80-20 Educational Foundation is a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt organization. It is devoted to furthering equal opportunity in the workplace and equal justice for Asian Americans. It has the same goals as 80-20 PAC, Inc. with an overlapping Board. However, these organizations use different approaches. 80-20 Educational Foundation focuses on political education, it does not take political action such as endorsement of political candidates. The two organizations, while sharing the same goal, are operated independently. All donations to this Foundation are tax deductible.

In 2024, 80-20 EF was rated the 15th best out of 5497 charities in the U.S.A.

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  • Please go to our donation page for details.
  • Use PayPal for $250 or less.
  • For larger amounts please make checks payable to:
    80-20 Educational Foundation, Inc. (or "80-20 EF")

    Mail to:
    Katy Woo
    939 Beach Dr. NE, Apt 910
    St Petersburg, FL 33701